an Aquaponic & Urban Farm, Business incubator Space within the Industrial Zone of East NY, Brooklyn.  STARTED by four individuals with personal & ancestral connections to THE land. working to build a food SOVEREIGN city in east brooklyn.


Universe City founders, members and stakeholders work together to replicate the Circular Economy model, an economic system aimed at eliminating waste and the continual use of resources. Universe City NYC is redefining the importance of building a strong economy around our Community by emphasizing Agriculture, Social Enterprise, and Community Healing practices.

Universe City NYC curriculums are aimed at teaching environmentally-- efficient agricultural techniques, self-care tools and at home cooking and planting activities, as well as topics across the creative fields such as photography, videography, music making, visual arts and graffiti writing, and studio production. Our Classes are made to connect individuals together and to our planet as we learn the importance of working together to change the world through sustainability.

The Universe City Farm holds the promise of creating a decentralized food port model that will lead the way for  localized economies and create the smallest environmental impact within our cities.





Aquaponics was chosen because it has a high yield and uses the least amount of water amongst farming techniques. It is the most feasible method of urban food production and can exceed organic standards. Humans have always survived by creating innovative solutions to meet our challenges. Universe City NYC is determined to continue to work to build a full size Aquaponic Farm that will directly impact the health of people in our community

Through the combination of raising crops in water, producing  fish, and designing functional complex plumbing systems, an efficient production of food is achieved. The cycle begins with fish producing waste which is broken down by the microbes in the water to form a type of nitrogen known as nitrate. These nitrates are used to fertilize the plants, while the plants filter the water for the fish to live in a healthy environment. This cycle is continuous.

The Universe City NYC model proves more than ever to be necessary in order to keep residents fed, and safe during this unprecedented crisis. Not just for now, but forever. 


Universe City NYC had seemingly come to a sudden halt due to the COVID-19 Virus. We had no choice but to end 8 on-site mid-semester programs located within middle schools throughout Brooklyn and NYC, due to the necessary “Stay at Home Order” issued on March 22nd 2020 by Governor Cuomo. 

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Universe City NYC  also was forced to close our warehouse to all members in order to ensure safety, lessen the curve and promote proper social distancing practices. 

In response to COVID-19, Universe City NYC has shifted all response efforts towards rapid emergency food production and distribution in East Brooklyn. We work as a coordinated community food hub for receiving, storing, and distributing hundreds of pounds of food to the most vulnerable in our community. We are dedicated to these efforts exclusively for the foreseeable future.